
I'm not sure if this should fall into the hacking section or general
section ... so pardon me if this is the wrong audience.  I have bumped
into some areas in Evolution that, I think, might either be buggy or
could use some improvement.  It is possible that I'm doing something
wrong.  I'd appreciate some corrections, and links in that case. Here
they are:

1. Once an account is set up it becomes difficult to implement an
"alias sending".  Evolution doesn't allow its user change the sender's
field when composing ... except for accounts created locally.  For
people involved in open-source projects like Evolution this makes it
hard to use evolution to send list related mails.  Why? Some users
have email aliases tied to their email accounts ... and use the
aliases for such projects.  Is there no way one could override the
sender's field so users can enter their email aliases instead?

2. It would be nice if evolution can start silently ... docked in the
panel and runs on the background.  This will ensure that the user gets
notified when mails arrive.  This also frees the task bar.  This
functionality can be archived in conjunction with another application
called Alltray, but alltray has side effects. It introduces shaky
graphic performance (Compiz transitions are affected)

3. This is more of a feature request: Wouldn't it be nice if Evolution
can handle what I call "Layered Tasks" ... or "Stratified Tasks" ...
or maybe, "Combo Tasks".  I've been thinking about this ever since I
started using Evolution.  I see Combo Tasks (or whatever) as a Task
that has other tasks inside it -- like a project with small
objectives.  As the smaller tasks get satisfied the Main Task counts
of progress (in percentage).  One can modify the Combo task by adding
or removing mini tasks ("tasklets"). Is there something like this
already?  This will help group related tasks together ... like in a
Project (but it doesn't have to be a "HUGE PROJECT").  It could be
handy for DIY domestics like "Build a Kitchen Cabinet" ... then you
can have sub-tasks like: Design the Cabinet, Discuss it with and,
possibly, involve the family, Establish Wood type, Buy parts, Cut the
pieces, Assemble it, Varnish and install it, Celebrate.  The sub-tasks
are full tasks on their own with dates etc and can send
notifications/reminders, but they update the Combo Task (container)
with progress. It gets more interesting if Sub-tasks can also be Combo
tasks.  I hope I'm not sounding crazy

Thanks for the anticipated response

Oku, O
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