$$Excel-Macros$$ Copy data from diff. sheets

2010-02-18 Thread Mahesh
Dear Gurus, Need ur hepl. I have 07 sheet in a wookbook with same header row. Now i want to copy all the data in a single xlxs execpt the header row. -- With Love, Mahesh Bisht -- -- Some important links for

Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Copy data from diff. sheets

2010-02-18 Thread ashish koul
hi check the attachment Sub Macro1() Dim I As Long Dim J As Integer Dim N, Z As Long Dim x As String Worksheets(1).Activate Range(a1).Select Selection.End(xlToRight).Select Dim temp As String temp = ActiveCell.Address x = Mid(temp, 2, (InStr(2, temp, $) - 2)) For J = 2 To