In doing my research on how to do this I've come across two methods of doing
this and having tested one method I was wondering if there are other
methods? The method I tested was a combination of Mark Minasi Dns Disaster
Recovery that he published in the Windows NT Magazine Dated November 2000
and an article I came across in Windows 2000 Magazine Web Site(December 1999
called DNS Migration by Alex Wun)where the person copied the DNS files to
the \system root\system32\dns of the old server to the new server and added
a dummy zone to the new server then export the dns zone entry from the old
server and imported to the new server. The other method that I came across
is install dns on a 2k server set the old nt4.0 box to update the new 2k
server, then in win2k add the zone with the wizard then under domain
name\properties\general\accept dynamic updates = yes.......


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