I'll pass...PST=BAD

>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Govardhan Nandi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>>Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 4:23 AM
>>>To: Exchange Discussions
>>>Subject: Assigning inbox to Rules Object for few exchange 
>>>users gives MAPI _E_INVALID_ENTRYID
>>>Importance: High
>>>Dear friends,
>>>We have developed a web application which allows our 
>>>Company's Exchange 5.5 users to manage(add/edit/delete)thier 
>>>rules  for thier inbox (similar to outllok rule wizard)from 
>>>a web interface. 
>>>We are using "Rule.dll"  found in Exchange 5.5 Platform SDK 
>>>to create the rules from ASP pages hosted on a IIS.
>>>Code runs properly for some users but fails for some other users.
>>>3 Steps to Reproduce the Behaviour
>>>1>Set delivery to "Personal folders" through the services options in 
>>>option of Outlook
>>>  This create the "Inbox" folder in your Personal folder 
>>>which becomes a
>>>specialfolder & you can         never delete the folder even 
>>>if u want.
>>>Now if you want , you can reset the delivery back to 
>>>"Mailbox" or keep it pointing to "personal folders" 
>>>itslef..This wont affect the remaining steps behaviour (Now 
>>>for outlook 97 clients...u can directly run the code in step 
>>>3 to get the desired error  but for outlook 2000 ..u need to 
>>>follow step 2 also)
>>>2>Now using Outlook rule wizard ,create a client side rule for the 
>>>move messages from inbox to some personal folder)& turn on the rule
>>>3>Now run any of the following two sets of code
>>> Set objInbox =  objCDOSession.Inbox
>>> set colRules = server.CreateObject("MSExchange.Rules") 
>>> colRules.Folder = objInbox 
>>>Set objInfoStore = objCDOSession.InfoStores (2)
>>>Set objPrivateFs = objInfoStore.RootFolder.Folders
>>>For Each objFolder in objPrivateFs
>>>  If objFolder.Name = "Inbox" Then
>>>    Set objInbox = objFolder
>>>    Exit For
>>>  End If
>>> colRules.Folder = objInbox 
>>>For both the cases , U will see the following error at 
>>>-2147221241006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject 
>>> Failed~The operation completed successfully   
>>>which corresponds to MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID
>>>4>Turn off the outlook  client side rule created in step 2 
>>>...the code 
>>>  Turn on the outlook rule again..u will get the same error.
>>>  Remove the personal folders..u still get the same error.
>>>  Set delivery to back to "Mailbox" or "personal folders"..u 
>>>still get the error..
>>>Observations :
>>>1>I am very sure that the Inbox folder being passed from my 
>>>code is the
>>>  folder for which i want to set up rules thru my code.
>>>2>It looks like that code inside the RULE.DLL is fetching 
>>>entry id  for
>>>inbox for wrong default store  & failing when it finds two 
>>>"Inbox" entry ids (one for Mailbox & another for Personal 
>>>folder in trooubled profiles )in the Exchange Server...
>>>We tried to debug into Rule.dll sourcecode(available in 
>>>platsdk) in VC++
>>>Created a pointer to the IRules interface.
>>>I have used the function PutFolder(IDispatch *pVal) in 
>>>Rules.dll for assigning the folder,the  function internally 
>>>calls put_Folder(LPDISPATCH newVal) of the CRules class.
>>>The function load(LPSRowSet lpRowSet) of the CRules class 
>>>inside put_Folder(LPDISPATCH newVal) is  returning 80040107 
>>>Further I went inside the load(LPSRowSet lpRowSet) function 
>>>wherein its calling a function  load(LPSRow lpSRow,ULONG 
>>>ulIndex) of CRule class. This function calls the funtion 
>>>load(LPACTIONS lpActions) of class CActions which calls 
>>>funtion  load(LPACTION lpAction) of class CAction.
>>>When the ulIndex is 3 i.e third time.. 
>>> function is returning 80040107 (MAPI_E_INVALID_ENTRYID).
>>>This is happening for some users while others are getting 
>>>return value of 0 (SUCCESS).
>>>Expecting some workaround fromu guys...
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