> We are trying to figure out a way to migrate our Exchange 5.5 
> cluster server to an Exchange 2000 cluster server.  Our 
> environment is mostly Win2k but the domain isn't native. 

How many NT4 domain controllers remain?

> It 
> looks like no matter what method we use, we will loose a lot 
> of ACLs and delegations.  Also public folders will have to be 
> redone.  


> Is there any sure fire method (without using the AD connector 
> because I've seen some nightmare incidents with this thing)  
> of migrating/upgrading  the Exchange environment?  

The ADC? Works well and is the supported method for populating directory
information and migrating. What problems have you seen specifically?

> We thought about doing an in place upgrade, but our 
> consultant said that it only works if we are in native mode, 
> otherwise we will still loose a lot of the ACLs and 
> delegations.  

Did he cite specific examples of what would happen?

>Another method we are looking at is, using 
> xmerg to import the 5.5 database to Exchange 2000.  This 
> method is almost like starting from scratch, we loose all the 
> settings and will have to be recreated.  


> How would a new Exchange 2000 server joined to the existing 
> site work in this situation?  

Fine. The first E2K server can't be a cluster server though. You could put
in a temp E2K server to be removed after the migration was complete though.

>Will I have the same issues?  

Same issues as what?

> How should we handle public folders?  

Rehome them as you would using the Ed Crowley Move Server Method [tm].

> Please let me know if anyone has been able to migrate to 
> Exchange 2000 without literally having to rebuild everything 
> from scratch.  

Most companies unless they chose to rebuild from scratch for a reason.

> Maybe I'm being too nervous and everything will work out 
> great, but I am dealing with Microsoft products.........

And apparently a consultant who has an interesting take on E2K migrations.

> don't think I can read anymore white papers or Q articles 
> before I go blind.  The more I read, the more nervous I get.  

I can recommend some excellent Exchange consultants to create a migration
plan or do a design review... Many of them are active members of this list.

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