Let me clarify a little.  We have sender notification off.  We have
recipient on.  All recipients received the message notification and not just
the users on Exchange.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Pfefferkorn, Pete (pfeffepe) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 4:17 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Off topic ScanMail Notifications to Sender.

This is a little off topic.  Running Scanmail 3.80 engine 6.510 pattern 587.
When a external user sends an infected message to lets say 30 users and only
one is on our Exchange, scanmail cleans that message but sends a
notification message back to all 30 users stating it cleaned it?

Man that doesn't sound right to me.  I spoke to Trend and they said that is
how it works and it always worked that way.  I recently customized the
recipient notification message to contact our help desk but I didn't think
that external users would get it.  Anyone else run into this issue?

Pete Pfefferkorn
Senior Systems Engineer/Mail Administrator
University of Cincinnati
51 Goodman Street
Cincinnati, OH  45221
Phone - (513) 556-9076
Fax -   (513) 556-2042

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