(Apologies if this is a repeat, it looks like it bounced the first time)

Well, I never did manage to get Exchange 2000 training before cutbacks hit
hard at my company.  I'll be shown the door at the end of January and while
I have been working with exchange since 4.0 I don't have any experience or
training with exchange 2000.

Assuming that taking an expensive training class is out of the question I'm
looking for suggestions on what books or other resources would be the best
way get up to speed.

I've got a fairly beefy server to install exchange 2000 on and a couple of
eMonsters to act as Win2000 domain controllers if it makes a difference.

Thanks in advance for any advice or recommendations.

"Life, like poker, has an element of risk. It shouldn't be avoided. It
should be faced." 

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