I have a couple of interesting questions regarding E2K and Mac clients.

1. When I configure a Mac client for auto-response on meeting invitations,
the backend does not process the invitations unless the user's Mac client
logged on to the mailbox.  I've tried using delegates but this did not
resolved the issue since some meeting invitations either doesn't get into
the delegated account's mailbox, or it goes into the delegates mailbox but
it doesn't get processed.  Is there any other possible workaround?

2. Has anybody tried modifying  the OWA to include searches other than the
Global Address List (to include personal Contacts, Contacts in Public
Folders, etc.)?  I have been redirected to CDOLIVE.  Is there any simpler

I am running a mix environment - PC and Mac clients.

Best regards,

Dino G. Santos

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