On Sat, Jan 08, 2022 at 05:02:10PM +0000, Jeremy Harris via Exim-users wrote:
The dmarc library project appears to have changed their API
in a incompatible fashion.  It's difficult to tell, because
there is no visible documentation and no obvious way to discover
the library version at build time.

At least, last time I looked.

Can't you rely on OPENDMARC_LIB_VERSION?  It's defined in dmarc.h:


Worth noting that 0 is a placeholder value is replaced for versioned releases with the proper value (I think this is in the release scripting), like so:


Exim uses this too:


Something like #if ((OPENDMARC_LIB_VERSION & 0xFFFF0000u) >= 0x01040000) would catch too-new library versions, I reckon.

~ Edwin

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