I remember now.  CHEEK!  Joseph Cheek.  He made a pretty tasty distribution.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [expert] monitor refresh rates
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 22:18:38 -0500
From: gnerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That's the beauty of Linux.  People who make distributions are free to
target specific audiences.  Mandrake started out targeting 586+
processors, and the peripherals one would reasonably expect for that
class of machine.

Red Hat typically targets cutting-edge folks who want the latest and
greatest, even if it means some instability.

Caldera started out being the "stable" Linux back in kernel 0.99 days.
Now they seem to be corporate whores.

There was a Mormon on the Caldera list named Joseph, in Orem, Utah
(can't dredge up his last name to save my life) in the early days who
has his own distribution now, and it's rating pretty favorably in the
"ease of use" and "customization" categories.

I guess my point is, if you have hardware that's not supported by one
distribution, research others, looking for a better fit.  But don't
expect Mandrake to fill your every need...it's literally resource

And if you can't find a decent fit, rob some other distributions, make
the one you need and give it away.

Everything changes all the time.


Lorne Shantz wrote:

 > I was surprised to see that my Viewsonic A110 monitor wasn't listed 
in the
 > common settings. I thought it was a very common monitor. ?? Even 
Redmon linux
 > has it. ??
 > I had this same problem You had a couple of years ago. It was pretty 
common to
 > have a monitor that didn't have preset info in it. You should be able 
to go to
 > your manual and get the info you need, or their web site. Then you 
can do a
 > custom setup and just plug in the info rather than going into your 
config file
 > if you like. At least you used to be able to do that.
 >>On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Steve wrote:
 >>>Can someone please help me with setting up my monitor refresh rates?  My
 >>>monitor( CTX PR710) is capable of 1152x864 with a vertical refresh rate
 >>>of either 85Hz or 100Hz, but X keeps on wanting to set my monitor at a
 >>>refresh rate of 75Hz.  How in the heck can I setup X to use the right
 >>>refresh rate?  I'm using a Geforce 256 DDR, with the latest drivers from
 >>>Nvidia.  I would appreciate any help you could offer.  Thanks in 
 >>Try taking a look here:
 >> http://www.griffintechnology.com/monitor.html
 >>Find your monitor refresh rates then use them to edit your XF86Config-4
 >>file. It's possible that the modes in your config file are set too low
 >>and the X-server is tossing them out as invalid.
 >>Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 >>Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 > --
 > Lorne Shantz
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 > Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Can I tell you something?
Let me tell you something:
If you expect the freedom
that you say is yours,
prove that you deserve it!
Help us to preserve it!
Or being free will just be
words and nothing more!


Can I tell you something?
Let me tell you something:
If you expect the freedom
that you say is yours,
prove that you deserve it!
Help us to preserve it!
Or being free will just be
words and nothing more!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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