Installed pwlib1, openh323 and ohphone, like I've done on multiple systems
(see; yet on 9.0, all I get is:
$ ohphone --listen --no-gatekeeper --bandwidth 20000 --ringfile
ohphone.wav --ringdelay 4
ohphone: relocation error: ohphone: undefined symbol: __ti7PThread

strace gives:
writev(2, [{"ohphone", 7}, {": ", 2}, {"relocation error", 16}, {": ", 2},
{"ohphone", 7}, {": ", 2}, {"undefined symbol: __ti7PThread", 30}, {"",
0}, {"", 0}, {"\n", 1}], 10ohphone: relocation error: ohphone: undefined
symbol: __ti7PThread
) = 67
_exit(127)                              = ?

Where should I look for this symbol?


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