Looking to have some fun with obnoxious 'net users and slow down their
antics...?  If so, I'm looking for a beta tester (or two or three :^) of
my very simple HoneyPort which is a sticky port for those scumbags...  :^)


Tired of getting spam retries after setting up anti-spam features?

Got a spammer with a broken mailer who tries every 30 SECONDS to deliver
the spam?

Put in an IPTABLES filter, only to find the spammer won't go away; just
keeps on wasting your bandwidth?

YUP!!  I experienced all the above...  :^P

So... I came up with the idea to create a "HoneyPort"...  Inspired by Tom
Liston's LaBrea TarPit; but only on the local host, and only for specific

The idea is to shunt tiresome spammers/attackers and other network
ne'er-do-wells to a HoneyPot Port (hence "HoneyPort").  Not looking to
protect a subnet as Tom's LaBrea TarPit does; rather, slow down these
jerks in a similar manner on the attacked host.

For example, on March 7 & 8, 2002, a RedHat Linux box at
began an *incessant* attempt to deliver spam...  Normally this would not
be a problem; but this idiot box retried EVERY 30 SECONDS!!  Even after
add an iptables filter:  iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport
25 -j DROP this machine continued to try...

I've had enough of this crap, so I thought about Tom Liston's LaBrea
TarPit and wondered if the concept could be used to slow down this spammer
too...   see http://pfortin.com/Linux/HoneyPort/ for the code and setup...

Not for the faint of heart...  I still need to create a support script or
two...  besides, I made some changes and did not test them cuz it's late
and I'm going to bed...  :^)

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