In LM 8.2, prelude service is included and generates messages
to the log files.  I use logcheck (and portsentry) and I keep
getting messages like these ...

Security Violations
Jul 30 06:29:19 www prelude: Debug: Flushing queued report for id=0x4001d680, 
Jul 30 06:29:22 www prelude: Debug: Flushing queued report for id=0x4001d680, 

I have tried many variations in the /etc/logcheck/ignore file to have
these messages ignored, and therefore no email message sent to me
about it.  I have tried things like...

prelude: Debug: Flushing queued report for
Flushing queued report for
prelude.*: Flushing queued report for.*
Debug: Flushing queued report for

Has anyone else encountered this and found a logcheck rule to ignore it ?

Thanks... Dan.

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