I had a startup problem with Mandrake 9.1 - the
/var/log/messages file was being filled with lines like:

Sep 25 06:21:06 phoebus xinetd[1909]: warning: can't get
client address: Transport endpoint is not connected
Sep 25 06:21:07 phoebus xinetd[1909]: libwrap refused
connection to sgi_fam from <no address>

It was stuck and both /var/log/messages and /var/log/secure
were increasing by megabytes each few minutes.

There is a lot of discussion in the various lists about
this, but no solution has been posted that I can find.  It's
been posted as Bugzilla bug #749, and questions about it go
back at least until Apr 2002.

It's been reported that this only happens with msec level 4
only happening on systems with msec level 4, but folks have
probably only noticed the problem when hosts.deny gets
updated going to level 4.  If you modify
the xinetd.d/fam file to include the line "flags = NOLIBWRAP", and now I
get this message at boot (KDE or other desktop not yet started):

Sep 25 06:13:04 er0 xinetd[1110]: Deactivating service sgi_fam due to 
excessive incoming connections.  Restarting in 30 seconds.

After checking older entries, it looks like xinetd was
always deactivating 'fam' during boot.  One time, though, it
didn't, and the system didn't come up.

So the real problem is that some process is trying to access
'fam' at boot in an uncontrolled fashion, and when 'hosts.deny' contains a
control, this process is somehow sending a request without an identifyable

So this probably has to do with the boot sequence.  Any
ideas apart from dumping 'fam'?


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