Hi list,

I installed a new firewall today on my server, Shorewall. I'm really impressed with this package and I've gotten everything configured except for printing. Anyone know what port needs to be open so that printing can resume? On the LAN I've got 137-139 open because the printer is being shared with Samba. On the server things are being taken care of by Cups. So, it would appear the only thing missing in this equation is the opening of the correct port.

At the moment I've opened ipp, (631), and 515 (printer) as is listed in /etc/services. Still printing does not happen. The Cups server is running as is Samba. I've already attempted to print from the server itself from webmin, but to no avail. The message I get when trying to print from Webmin when checking on the printer is:

lpr: unable to print file: server-error-not-accepting-jobs

.. command failed!

any ideas?


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