Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: I am the Secretary of State!
Not my Husband!
Somewhere in Africa, August 10th, 2009
When asked in Africa, what her husband thinks, Hillary snaps!...
Hey, listen you jerk-off...I AM Secretary of State, not my husband!
I am not here to channel my husband...
My husband hasn't F'd me in 5 years! Asshole!
Listen, I had to put up with his sh_t of too long...
F'n every Don, Chick and Hairy, in the oval office, I have had enough...
He blew the 2000 election for us, and he blew mine too...(not literallly)
My husband is an Ass-hole...
If you want to ask me a question, I will answer it now...
I'm not standing here with my head on my shoulders for show!
I actually have something to say!
Now, what were you saying about not having any bread?

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