Thursday 25 May 2006

Something creative, subtle, and unique is gong on. You sense
potentials in yourself, people, and ideas. There comes a point when
'definition' is not what is needed but 'intuition' of expanding
relationships. The individuality of this makes you feel you are
perceiving things no one else can grasp. Perhaps that is literally
true, yet you may be sharing these insights indirectly through your
joy of life, and even telepathically through an osmosis of

Risking all to obtain the honor you covet, honor in the sight of G*d
rather than the world, you do what no one else comprehends because it
derives from your own relation to the Universal Unique. When you win,
no one else may even know.

Mercury's square with Uranus assures you of intense awareness which
liberates and exalts. You may seize upon geometric, mathematical, or
phenomenologically statistical relationships with utter certainty and
"Aha!" delight.

Venturesome qualities show you what is really worth doing whether
anyone else sees it or not. So you may be alone to ponder things and
not feel sad about that. When you are ready to move on in a direction
your insight has pointed out, you know it and are definite. You will
not be foiled by surprises because you expect them, retaining within
yourself a capacity to respond with facility whatever they may be.

The sun's sextile with Saturn grants an ability to sense the ups and
downs of destiny, to roll with the punches or catch the bouquets. Your
timing may be just right if you give it a little thought, and choose
what can be done to move closer to success, efficiency, and a plateau
of accomplishment on which to stand with poise.

Venus's trine with Pluto, exact now while the moon is in Taurus, hints
at beauty in wide varieties and several utilities. It may seem crass
to consider beauty 'useful' yet that is what those in advertising,
display or the arts do for a living. Some of them may hit their stride
quite effectively. You may sense how to make your work more
esthetically enjoyable. He who enjoys his work because it shows forth
elements of beauty in every detail is headed toward happier success
than he who feels his toil drab and dreary. When philosophy and
understanding unite with loveliness something is afoot which might be
called the essence of fulfillment. If you are not enjoying this, you
are earning it through merits you employ or expand.

Cosmic Piper

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