Maharishi 1993: God, the intellect and Transcendental Meditation    

Author: John Manning
Date: Nov 22, 2006 06:09

    You say that Transcendental Meditation is a program for the mind. What 
is its relationship to the intellect?


Transcendental Meditation does not involve intellect. Transcendental 
Meditation is an experience of the mind, from the active levels to the 
unified level. It's just an innocent experience of active mind and an 
innocent experience of settled mind, silent mind.

Through certain other meditation practices, however, particularly those 
in which the intellect seeks God through recalling the qualities or 
names or virtues of God, the intellect is stimulated and begins to 
thrive. It does so increasingly in the presence of God, in the glory of 
God, in the dignity of God, in the grace of God, in the merciful nature 
of God. There may then come a point where intellect is in its natural 
state and comprehends the unbounded awareness of God, the merciful 
nature of God, the presence of God. The intellect, through pursuing God 
intellectually, can recognize its natural status as the mind wakes up to 
its unboundedness.

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