So, this is what happened at the Court..It was Monday morning, about 11:00, on 
October the 5th, 2009.
This is where it was to be decided, if Heather would be seeing me, or if she 
would return her family... I said to the Judge: 'It seems more appropriate, to 
me now, Your Honor, after spending some time, in the clinker, that, although, I 
wanted to be Heather's Savior, it was not meant 'To Be'...
I can see, and feel, that Heather's parents love her very much...Indeed...
So, the order stood, that Heather would be returned to her family, with no 
contact with me for 4 years...And she gave her apartment up, and moved back 
home with her parents...Heather is 'Border-line' Autistic'....
What follows, is my written testimony for the Court, in regard to Heather and 

To: Your Honor, Judge McNamara:Dt: October 5th, 2009.

Heather and I were both born on the ‘Day of Atoinment, a ‘Spiritual Day’..
Which would be similar to: ‘Good Friday’, in ‘Christianty’...
It’s like a: ‘Day of Ashes’...
I was born on October the Tenth, 1951, in Philadelphia, PA. USA

I’m not sure, if it’s in the stars, or what, but:

I have a ‘Special Connection’ with Heather, as I am a bit ‘Autistic’ myself...
And have worked with Autistic persons, in the past...

I as employed, by the ‘State of New Jersey’
at Princeton, New Jersey...
For about  two years,
Working in a ‘Group Home’ for Autism’...(1986-1987)
It was quite a learning experience...

During that time, I learned that Autistic people, are very sensitive,
Very intuitive, very psychic...perhaps, too much so, that they decide...
At some point, that the world is too confusing for them, so they retreat...
Into a world, ‘Of their own Creation’...

I remember, when I was about 19 years old...
I felt like I was becoming ‘Autistic’ myself...
I was living at home, still, with a father who had PTSD from WWII..
And my mom, who was living close to the valley of the dolls...
It felt like I was like in a prison, but worse, because it feel like:  
Somebody's losin' their soul, baby...
So, anyway, perhaps I was healing something, from my past with Heather?
So, I am here today, as much, if not more, for Heather...because I
know how it feels...
To feel so ‘Defeated’ and stuck: ‘Like a Child’...
When you see, other people, your age, in loving, romantic relationships...


Robert Jeffery Gimbel


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