Soul Transitions Vibe Report for August 2009
Nancy Leilah Ward

The Poetry of My Soul

My prayer is to express the poetry of my soul.
To live a deeper life.
More than taking care of business, the surface of things
but to dive deep into the mystery
to awaken visions within.
To travel on the beam of light
that shines through the center of my being.
We each have something drawing us forward
dancing on points of light as our feet come down.
If it made a sound, it would be like bells
or ice flowing on top of a river.
My soul calls out for more, more, more.
I know there is more than this.

My prayer is to live my life like a prayer.
Every breath sacred.
Tapping into the infinite depth within.
Deeper than the stars.
Deep as the Universe.
The deeper I travel within,
the further out I go.
Moving through exploding fractals
of light
colored by emotion
in motion.

My life is a prayer.
My actions consciously honor the mystery;
that which is beyond words
As I chop wood, carry water.

This to all…
May our breath be blessed with love.
All this and more.
Dancing on diamond lights
our footsteps light our path,
disappear behind us.

This is how I’ve been feeling lately. What’s going on? A potent
download of cosmic energy on July 21-22, as well as three eclipses
have been affecting us all. Opening ourselves to new energy brings up
big change at the cellular, at the atomic, at the sub-atomic levels.
Many of us have been feeling very strange. For the last week, I have
been having moments of fever and achiness and sometimes digestive
problems on and off. I’ll wake up with a fever and then an hour or so
later I’ll feel absolutely fine, with my usual energy. One day will go
by and I’ll be fine, then the fever will show up again for an hour or
so, or I’ll have to lie down and rest because of feeling achy. Of
course my mind goes to thoughts of Lyme’s disease, West Nile virus or
swine flu, but I keep hearing “ascension symptom” from the wise voice
within. Some of the symptoms I’ve been hearing about from others are
fever, nausea, aching backs, aching arms and joints, feeling
disoriented and lightheaded, feelings of inertia, panic, deep grief
and sleeplessness.

Many people are feeling like they no longer know what to do with their
lives – they know that things are changing and they don’t know exactly
what to do but that they want to do something different. Others, after
feeling this way for the past year, have found their paths and are
moving forward with conviction and commitment. This includes people
who a few months ago felt completely lost and unsure of what they
wanted to do. Everyone is at their own place in Divine timing of the
evolutionary process.

We are being triggered by energy surges and sometimes this feels like
we’re being pulled out of our bodies.

Many of One
Indeed you are in for a ride, dear ones. As you ride the waves of
change, trust your instincts. Trust your guidance, trust your “gut.”
Trust in your ability to discern what is your highest path and
purpose. And when you don’t know, do nothing. Many are diving deep
into their beings to experience the heart of their soul. We see
relationships changing as people can no longer hide from the truth in
themselves. This can create much confusion and upset, but know that
the path within is paved with love.

Dear ones you are being called to a deeper experience of yourself as
you integrate the energies and open to receive your soul. You will
find you cannot do what doesn’t resonate with your heart. This is
causing much upset and change among many people. We wish for you to
know with the deepest love that everything is going to be OK. Listen
to your hearts. Spend time in nature. Retreat to gain clarity. Allow
the emotions to flow through you, hide nothing from yourselves. For it
is with the deepest expression of your truth that you will find
freedom and clarity. Much is changing and shifting. Bring in the
energies of love. Be your deepest authenticity - you are being called
to greater levels of awareness. Many are feeling the need for a deeper
connection with Source.

You are Source
The very Universe exists within you and without you. You are truly one
with everything. To maintain your connection in the 3rd dimension you
experience feelings of separation and defined boundaries. Somewhere
deep within is a seed of knowing that you are greater than your
perceptions and that you are vast. If you sit within this possibility
and allow yourselves to expand, you will touch the stars. The true and
total knowledge and experience of this would be too much for you to
handle so it is given to you in small doses… glimpses of the vastness
of your being. We feel you wishing to remember, wishing for a deeper
experience and these experiences can be found through creative
processes, through interactions with one another and through the
stillness within.

Those of you who are feeling the call to greater awareness have been
the forerunners and the ones holding the energy for others. There are
many who are still sleepwalking. There has been a change of plans. As
the energies continue to upgrade, many of you are being given a break,
as it were… moments of stillness. Allow yourself to experience these
times of just letting go and being – on vacation, so to speak. And
yet, deep within, you are gaining more and more clarity and
consciousness during your day to day activities.

We know you are wishing to remain conscious at all times and more and
more you are developing a deeper awareness of your purpose and place
in the world. Not only in the world of the Earth, but extending
outward into the galaxy. And you know as you expand outward further,
there are galaxies, upon galaxies, upon galaxies. We invite you to
play with connecting with the vastness of the universe. As you send
your attention outward, you may feel a pulsation as it comes back in.
A pulsation like a heartbeat. . . the pulse of life which extends far
beyond the Earth. Out into the cosmos… you have many brothers and
sisters longing to connect with you. Yes indeed. As you continue to
expand and evolve, you are reaching out into the vastness of the All
That Is. You are beginning to feel that vastness within you – that
feeling of being pulled out of your body, or being stretched. You are
limitless spirit poured into the physical body. Love is the energy of
expansion, which is why it brings up that which is not love for

Now we speak of this month of August and we are scanning the energy of
the entire earth. . . There is a deep stillness and there is much
churning of thought as well. The quiet before the storm. Retreat from
the sounds of the media… there will be much provocation of fear
regarding disease. The possibilities of pandemics. We tell you all is
of your own creation. And yet within the experience of the earth plane
there is much release happening and much of what feels like tragedy.
When you hear of tragic events in the world - with people you know, or
out in the bigger picture of the larger world - you can be of great
service by sending the energy of love outward to those in need, to
those undergoing great tragedy and difficult changes.

Many people are experiencing extreme anxiety, panic, sleeplessness.
For those, we wish for you to know that you are held within a sacred
circle of love and you can call out in prayer for assistance to help
carry you through those moments. Now, what happens in times like this
is you must still undergo the process of feeling and it can be
somewhat agonizing. This is part of the experience of the expansion.
Much of your deepest fears may be washing through you or simply fear
itself with no knowledge or understanding of where that fear is coming
from. Indeed, in some ways it doesn’t matter, but that you are going
through it just the same. As you expand there is much that is coming
apart, falling away – inside and out. What is called for at times like
this is allowance. Allow your feelings, allow yourself to be within
the discomfort and reach out to others. If you can, be with friends,
with harmonious groups, with people who pray or vision together, or
gather at sacred fires. Participate in some group energy – it would be
very comforting.

We want you to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Be with
the earth energy, with nature in any form you can find. This will be
very comforting to you. Other than that, the pain, the anguish, the
fear that you go through is something that needs to be felt – it is
washing through you. Bring your attention back into your heart. Do
your best not to allow your mind to carry you away on thoughts that
bring up despair. Bring yourself back to your heart through the
breath. This will help you to sustain equilibrium. Be mindful of
decisions you make to be certain you are coming from your deepest

There is a feeling of events being put on hold. We are talking of
grander earth events as if giving some people time to catch up and we
are sensing a collective eye roll from those who have been working so
hard and who are raring to go – to take their place as the great
changes surge and move you all forward on your evolutionary path. Many
are impatient for no further delays. Have no fear, your services will
be required more and more in times to come.

There is golden light available to all of you. Sparkling golden light
radiance shining down and shimmering all around you. Know that it is
there for you and create moments of happiness and joy with one
another. Celebrate your divinity as you feel the vastness of your
being. We send you softness and nurturing love as you rise to meet the
challenges that call you into being your authentic expression with
integrity, clarity and steadfastness. Dwell within the center of your
being and be conscious of the cosmic connection you have with the All
That Is.

We hold you in highest esteem.

Many blessings,

Nancy Leilah Ward
Many of One

“That the Earth is alive, inspirited and even sentient, is one of the
most ancient and universal of spiritual understandings.” - Jesse Wolf


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