I believe that we are all souls, having the experience of inhabiting a
body, for the time we are here, this time...

The main lesson of all humans who considered themselves superior to
others, or choose to use this supposed superiority to dominate others,
make a clear mistake to life.

If a white guy like me, spends some time in Mexico, after a while, it
will appear that I am brown.

So, whether you wish to quote Abraham Lincoln, Adolf Hitler, or
whomever, they were both wrong on this subject.

Being Jewish, I would also add, it is wrong to consider Arabs
inferior, and vice versa...

Until we get this lesson, we will be constricted by this limited and
obnoxious belief...that one is superior than others.

Remember the land we occupy, was stolen from the Native Americans, who
lived here for thousands of years, caring for the land, and developing
many, many beautiful traditions...they too were wiped out by the ones
who considered themselves, superior.

When you consider yourself superior, you are asking for a fall...

I remember one time, when I was working with a teenager, who was
autistic, and had the functional level of a two year old. I thought to
myself, how could God create such a one, and also create a Maharishi.
Later, my question was answered, when I was leaving... 
He, somehow knew, I was going, intuitively, I guess, and I felt from
him the same kind of unconditional love, that I had felt in
Maharishi's presence...

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