Time once again, folks;
To create some really big, shock and awe;
Where it does- count right now;
Our eternal enemy's  Persia...
Not like the fake shock of Paper Tiger, Saddam
The the Evil One himself, in a new form...
The New 'Der Fuhrer', , ,
But to confront the real monster;
Iran has plenty of it's own yellow cake...
The one with plenty of oil reserves who schmoozes up to China and Venezuela.
The one in Iran, the President, who specifically want us destroyed...
Do we pretend it's all just a bad dream; and we'll wake up and it will all be gone.
Or, do we think the Israelis, can take care of these suicidal maniacs, themselves;
While the rest of the world complains, having nothing to lose, themselves.
What needs to happen is we need to defend, and if nuclear shock and awe, be necessary, well so be it.
The missiles are there, we've had them for many years.
They would be ready to launch, at a moments notice...
As a matter of fact; I'm sure some are being serviced;
Right down the road here, in Seattle, off in Puget Sound.
They call the missile bay, where the missile silos are: "Sherwood Forest";
Cute, huh?
Iran would like to convince the other world power players,
That the holocaust is a Jewish myth, and the United States, should be destroyed.
Just like Adolf Hitler in the 1930's spelled out his intentions.
The Iranians have spelled out there intentions, clearly.
Sure it would be shock and awe, to millions of people around the world.
But, that has been misused before, in Iraq.
The window of opportunity, that will be lost.
If we fail to act.
 George Bush is a weak war president, now;
 The Israelis a take the brunt of stuff, he does daily in Iraq;
For fighting these suicidal demons called, Hezbollah;
The United States, has a woman Secretary of State.
The Arabs certainly don't respect a woman diplomat.
The don't even consider her or us to be human...
We need to wake up to certain realities;
Of the Islamic way of thinking, which is quite destructive, and serious.
R.Gimbel  Seattle,WA.

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