Ok, here we go...
We got the President we wanted, and now, for some...
Because he's black or because he want to help the poor...
Well, some have him branded as 'Not being born here'..(he's not one of us)...
Or, better yet, President Obama is the anti-Christ?!

OMG...what a bunch of retards! United States sure has it's share of retards...!

So, here's my take on who's the real anti-Christ...

>From my knowledge, that Obama won the Presidency, was predicted in the:
The 'Dead Sea Scrolls'...
A portion said this: That there would be a leader, at the turn of this 
Who would 'Lead the People astray, with his lying tongue!'

It goes on to say: 'That this lying leader, would be replaced with a prophet, 
who is called:
'The Righteous One'...who is Barack Obama...

So, I say, we've had several anti-Christs, since the WWII....
Beginning with Adolf Hitler, in Germany...
With the end of the war, the remains of fascism slipped into the winners,
Of that war: The United States and the Soviet Union...
Many Nazis were given refuge because of their knowledge of rocket science...
Torture, drugs and all manner of evil intentions...
They were absorbed into the 'Intelligence Communities' of US and Soviet 

President Eisenhower, who led the Invasion that turned the tide, on D-Day...
Warned President Kennedy of a 'Military/Industrial' takeover of the United 
This event started on November 22nd, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, with his murder, 
by forces in the CIA...
Bush senior was, working for the CIA, was present that day, in Dallas.
President Johnson, was sworn in, before Jackie had a chance to change her brain 
spattered  dress, full of blood... 1/2 hour later, before returning to 
Washington, with Kennedy's dead body...

Fast-forward, to 1979, and the 'Hostage Rescue Mission'...
The CIA, in coordination with the 'Reagan Campaign', sabotaged the hostage 
rescue mission, which made Carter look weak, and won Reagan the election...
Reagan had made some back room deal with the Iranians, before hand...

Reagan proceeded to sell out the United States, to the forces of the 'Military 
Industrial Complex'...
President Clinton, went along, for the most part...and then Bush finished the 
job, and Bankrupted the country...

And now, what a miracle...a black man wins the WH...
Senile Reagan turns in his grave...
Bush receads like the snake he is back to Dallas..

So, now is our chance, this is our time, to work with the forces of good 
against the forces of retards, to take:
"Our Country Back!"



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