'Witnessing consciousness is developed through the process of meditation.

TM seems to be the most effective way to develope witnessing consciousness...

Although mantra meditation has been available for years...it was Maharishi's 
gift to us...

That he revived the Vedic Wisdom for the 'Proper Use of the Mantra'...

The mantra is a vehicle for 'Transcendence'...

By transcendence we mean...

'Going Beyond the Thinking Process'...

The thinking process is what we are nomally used to during the day and during 
the night...

At night we sometimes have dreams, which is also a variable of the thinking 
process, exceept it is in the world of the illusion of that dream state...in 
other words the bathtub in the dream will get you wet, only in that dream...

Sleep is a kind of death, in that nothing is remembered in deep sleep, as even 
the 'Awareness of Existence' is gone, as it were...

This is why deep sleep is the ultimate test of 'Enlightenment'....in that if 
'Awareness Can Be Maintained' during deep sleep, then 'Enlightenment is Well 

Now then, 'Awareness is Deep Sleep' must be maintained at the 'Slowest Possible 
Brain Freq' which is called 'Delta'...

'Delta Brain Freq'...is anything less then 5 cycles a sec...

So, then, the 'Witness' is what is available at the low freq'.

In order to 'Culture the Mind' to maintain the 'Witnessing Awareness'...one 
must first begin to experience the mantra on finer and finer levels...

What we mean by finer...is 'Quieter Levels'....just that 'Silent Level'...like 
the kind of silence that you feel on top of a mountain late a night with stars 

It's a kind of 'Eternal Silence' with no beginning and no end...

It doesn't seem to have been created, as it were, because there was never a 
time or space when it wasn't because inherent in time and space is this 'Very 
Existence Itself'...

It can be called in 'Christian Terms' the 'Kingdom of Heaven Within', as it 

Because the continued fathomiing of that experience....

'Exposes It to Be, Unbounded in Time and Unbounded in Space'...and in a way...

'Quite Beyond Both Time and Space'...

It cannot be 'Fathomed by the Intellect' as it is beyond the intellects 
reasoning powers, as it were...

It can only be fathomed by the 'Ego' in that the ego senses this to be 'Beyond 

As the ego begins to experience, directly the dissolution of itself, it makes 
way for a...

'Greater Whole to Emerge'...

This greater whole is called 'Para Brahm'...

The 'Uncreated Creator of All That There Is'...

It all begins and ends with the 'Stabilization of the Witnessiing Value of 

It's always the same...

It's the 'Big Self'...

It's Atman or 'Soul'...

So, as the witness becomes estaBLISHED...

In cosmic consciousness...

It feels seperated, as it were, from activity and intiation of action...

So, it wants or desires 'Unity' to be established further...

This is where the practice of Mantra and Sidhis fulfill themselves...

As the Witnessing Awareness begins to Over take everything...all impules of any 
manifestation becomes a wave of the 'Self'...

We can 'See from the Third Eye, Now'...all the time...

As the 'Crown Chakra Opens' and the 'Light of the Soul' shines in, as it were...

'Aligning Itself with Atma'...

As the 'Jiva is Experienced as One'...

The Jive and Atma are experienced as One'...

Peace, love and Jai Guru Deva.

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