‘How to let go of the Past’

One day, I was thinking and obsessing about past times...
All this past life stuff, as well as present life stuff...
I got in my car, and something strange happened...
I went to adjust my rear-view mirror, and it just fell off...
Onto the floor it fell..
Looking out, where the mirror had been,
There was no rear view mirror there...but instead:
All I could see was the bluish/grey sky...strange at first...so used to seeing 
that mirror there.
Then I thought,
“All of the past is contained in the rear-view mirror of your mind...
Ah, ha, I thought?"

Anyway, I was pondering this in meditation, that this provided a good metaphor, 
for letting go of the past...
So, even in meditation, if I start to ponder the past, 
I see it as just an image, in a small rear view mirror...
 And just let if fall off, the screen of my mind.
And  view, instead, the clarity of the present...
Without the distraction of peering backward...

And, like Bob D. says: 'watch the parking meters'...
In order that you won't see them, in your rear view mirror,
If they get fed, at feeding time.



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