The colour purple,  
Is a very interesting and powerful colour, I am thinking...
To work on that level of vibration, as to introduce a 'High Frequency Colour'...
Whatever raises your vibration...plugs into the 'Mainframe' of 'Collective 
Which is now, 'Waking Up'...

The lower vibrations of fear and loathing, 
Can, more easily be 'Burned Up in the Fire of Purple Light of Consciousness'..

So, be creative with your Creating...

‘Your Own Colour or Shade of Purple’...

As, there are so many shades of this hue...
They must number close to infinity...

So, play with this notion, and create your very own...
Colour Purple, that’s just your’s...

You’ve heard of ‘Picasso’s Blue Period’...? when was that, anyway?
Same idea...only the:  ‘Purple Phase Transition Period'...

Robert G.


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