Symptoms from smart meters reported by Kathryn Seranduc and Lisa and Henry 

Forwarded from: "Kathryn Seranduc" <>

Lisa Raskin Eckstein sent this to me and asked that I make it available to help 
people in Fairfield avoid this. I am sending, especially since the same thing 
happened to me from 20 feet away from a smart meter. I had no idea there was a 
smart meter in the house, only discovered it due to the strange physical 
symptoms. I have no heart condition at all. 
There are excellent explanations for this from scientists all over the world. 
See <>  The “measurements” John 
Hagelin is referring to were not from a smart meter that was broadcasting. They 
were from a photo of a graph. I was part of that interaction and I can say, 
neither he nor any scientist here has measured the radiation from the Sensus 
meter that is used with the AMI mesh grid. That meter and system continues to 
be what Alliant people say they are installing, other than on their website. 
If the decision has changed at the top to a hub and spoke system, while less 
dangerous, it is because of our campaign here that they have changed it. 
However, with a change in software, in a day the meter they will install can be 
an AMI mesh system meter. 

All smart meters represent a threat to our life-style choices here. 
Kathryn Seranduc

We had severe physical symptoms due to smart meters, and actually had to give 
up a condo here in Florida.  It now sits empty as we are leasing another away 
from the meters.....
Besides the typical anxiety and sleep issues, I had ocular migraines which are 
very scary AND arrhythmia.  Henry's arrhythmia was so severe that he had to 
have medical intervention … a cardioversion in the hospital.
We didn't know what was causing these symptoms. A friend who had experienced 
something similar suggested that we hire an expert who brought many different 
kinds of measuring devices and found the problem. 
Now that we are living away from the meters all symptoms are gone!
Dr Lisa Raskin Eckstein

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