Lest the TMO be touted as #1 for reversed predictions, we feature the Rabbi 

Jonathan Cahn, chief Rabbi of the Messianic Beth Israel Worship Center, Wayne; 
First thing that comes up is a request for donations pursuant to devastating 
impact of the recent hurricane Irene that went straight through that area...(as 
some may recall).


Cahn's prophecy in reverse, page 24 of Charisma Magazine:
"What Does the Future Hold"?

"Two years before 9/11, I stood overlooking the Hudson River in a gathering of 
prayer for God's mercy on New York.  We had come together based on a prophetic 
sense that a terrorist attack would come to the city in future days.  As I led 
the group in prayer, my focus was drawn to the two towers of the World Trade 
Center across the water.  A deep sense came over me of things yet to come for 
America.  It would not be long before it all began".
Cahn says that 9/11 was a Harbinger of possible destruction paralleling the 
fate of Israel.. "In His mercy He has sent warning to wake us up that we might 
return to Him. His will is that none should perish".
Then, a Bible quote from (2 Chr. 7/:14): "If My people who care called by My 
name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their 
wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal 
their land".

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