--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Well folks, the time approacheth.  Raunchy and Meow have integrity, and 
> they've taken a vow to take time off from posting here if they don't get at 
> least a few more of you to say, "Here's my vote, please stay here with us."

Nay, have Ranchy stay a while. Don't know much about Meow though.  The real 
TM'ers tend drop out too often too quick here on FFL.  I like that Ranchy has 
stayed at the watch here as one of the few writing TM'ers.

According to the 'Watch List', there are not too many here.  Never seems to be. 
 Is good to have her as part of the larger meditating community here.

Jai Guru Dev,
-Doug in FF

TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Per a complaint from one person left off the 
> list earlier, she has been added at the end:
> shukra69
> authfriend (Judy Stein)
> off_world_beings
> nablusoss1008
> WillyTex (Richard Williams)
> bill_hicks_ride (It's just a ride)
> babajii_99 (Robert)
> shempmcgurk
> bob_brigante
> wgm4u (BillyG)
> jr_esq (John)
> Raunchydog
> Please feel free to view her posts as an example
> of what long-term practice of the TM technique
> produces, and as a measure with which to judge
> whether it "delivers" on its claimed benefits.
> My apologies for leaving her off the list earlier,
> but I wasn't sure that she had claimed in the past
> to have been a regular practitioner of TM for many 
> years. Now that she has complained about being left 
> off the list and proudly wants to be, I oblige.

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