Nepal: A fountainhead of the resurgence of Vedic civilization
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    
31 May 2010

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is known throughout the world as the Founder of the 
Transcendental Meditation Programme, the most thoroughly researched and 
effective technique for self-development. Maharishi also restored the complete 
knowledge offered by the Vedic tradition of India, bringing out his Vedic 
Science so that everyone everywhere could live the full promise of life in good 
health, affluence, and peace. 

In establishing the Global Country of World Peace, Maharishi outlined his 
vision to create groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits (peace-creating experts) in 
every nation. Through traditional Vedic performances called Yagyas, which 
produce life-supporting effects, as well as group practice of the 
Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, 
including Yogic Flying, groups of Maharishi Vedic Pandits are the foundation 
for creating invincibility for each nation and peace for the world. 

As early as 1974, Maharishi announced the need to establish 121 Vedic Pandits 
performing daily Yagyas at Pashupatinath, a special historic site in Nepal. In 
2009, a group of 11 Maharishi Vedic Pandit was established, which has now 
expanded to 22 Pandits; the goal is to have 121 by 25 July 2010, Guru Purnima* 

Land adjacent to Pashupatinath will now be made available to the Nepal 
Maharishi Vedic Foundation. To accommodate the Pandits' daily Yagya programme, 
a beautiful facility is being designed according to principles of Vedic 

There is also a Vedic Pandit school at the Pashupatinath site where the top 
Brahmin boys come from each of Nepal's 75 states. Mr Deepak Baskota, director 
of the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation, is working with the leaders of this 
school to have Maharishi's Pandit programme as part of their school's training. 

The Narayani river, which flows into the Ganges, is formed at the meeting point 
of the Trisuli and Kali Gandaki rivers—the junction point is called Devghat. 
The beautiful land at this location, where wooded hills meet open plains, is a 
popular pilgrimage destination. Five leading Pandit training schools are also 
located there, and are a continuing source of new Maharishi Vedic Pandits for 
the programmes of the Global Country of World Peace in many nations. 

This report about Nepal by Raja Kingsley Brooks, Raja (Administrator) of Nepal 
for the Global Country of World Peace, was featured on the 24 May 2010 
Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on 
the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat 
(audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed. 

* Guru Purnima is the celebration on the full moon day in July dedicated to 
honouring the Masters of the eternal Vedic Tradition of knowledge, who 
throughout time have upheld the supreme wisdom of life. 

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