Instead of movie "for our times" the movie "The Company Men" is of our 
times.  You probably haven't heard of it but it recently became 
available for rent and I rented it from Redbox last night because 
Netflix has it on "long wait."  Apparently locals have no interest in a 
drama about people getting laid off from their work and struggling to 
find another job.  This one stars Ben Affleck, Tommy Lee Jones, Chris 
Cooper and Keven Costner plus a bunch of other well known actors.  If 
anything the only flaw with the movie is the latter is that well known 
actors can often take you out of the movie.  Affleck plays a sales 
executive who loses his job as a sales executive and finds it difficult 
to find another one while trying to maintain his family's standard of 

This, of course, is a very common story these days and this film will 
wind up being a classic that exemplifies the times.  Director/writer 
John Wells takes no prisoners in showing how bad things can be when 
greed destroys the economy (as exemplified by the CEO of Affleck's 
company played by Craig T Nelson).

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