GGN reports that World Magazine published an article mentioning Vedic 
City, news which " a joy for Global Good News service to 

However, World is a Christian magazine, and the whole point of the 
story that was sects are taking over some small towns around the 

"These groups have not only thwarted the strict federal standard for 
church-state separation; they have secured state sponsorship of 
religious or spiritual activities, government support ranging from 
simple tax breaks to functional theocracies.

In Clearwater, Fla., Scientologists have bought up large sections of 
the city's downtown, flooded the boards of various civic groups, and 
become a major player in local politics—all part of the church's plan 
to "take control" of the city, according to secret documents seized 
decades ago during an FBI investigation."

(The Utah group mentioned later in the article is probably some 
splinter Mormon group like:
id=3645951 )

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