KHOE Interview with Author Norman Zierold

"That Reminds Me", a real-life adventure conversational memoir by our
esteemed Norman Zierold begins in his hometown Amana Colonies, to the
U.S. Navy, to New York City, to Hollywood, to finding Transcendental
Meditation, to teaching TM, to the campus of Maharishi University of
Management. Along the way he began his budding writing career,
interviewed and hob-nobbed with famous New York and Hollywood actors,
writers and publishing people like Barbara Walters. Adventures that
would make the aspiring writer want to roll up his sleeves and "go for
it" like Norman did.

Listen to Norman tell his story with Dean of Faculty Cathy Gorini and
Station Manager Stan Stansberry on World Radio KHOE, 90.5 FM at the
following times and dates.

Wednesdays 6 AM and Noon
Thursdays 2 PM and 9 PM following Maharishi's Global Family Chat
Sundays 9 PM
Mondays 3 PM

This interview will also be available via Mp3 for download on the KHOE
website at <>

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