OM Namo Narayan,

Attempted to write something this morning about this one's 
background, but fell Silent. Only thing that came to 'mind' 
was: "insignificantly significant". Once there was a "me" that 
beleived in True Peace, now there remains no *one* that Lives AS 
True Peace. This, sweet friends, is the Gift of SatGuru.

*The Official Search began as a spontaneous kundalini awakening a 
little over a year ago. 
*Not versed (and without a hint of Belief) in anything spiritual or 
religious, the kundalini brought tremendous fear and confusion.
*Pretty quickly Grace provided Guru and after an early blowout (this 
one didn't "like" the Truth initially.), Practices and Guru's Gift 
brought Grounding and Rapid Progress.
*Practices, Humility and Surrender... day and night, night and day 
Revealed the Living Truth of Guru... of ONE.

Guru's Grace is Essential.

She pleaded, "Please show Yourself to me!"
And so I moved to make my Presence Known.
She ran in fear and ignorance,
"That is not You! Where are You?"
And so I came as Guru. 
"I am Here as Guru without and also as Guru within."
And she cried, "You may be out here as Guru, but within there is 
only me."
So I comforted her with Living Guidance and Practices.
With Pure Love and Compassion, I Lead the Way.
In Faith of My Living Form she remained Steady.
In the Light of My Presence within she swam in Surrender.
As she slowly dissolved into the Waters of My Being, 
My Presence Shined Brighter and Brighter.
Then with a Final Brilliant Flash, 
she sank into the Depths of My Nothingness.
Always Here Now I AM.
Being AS Myself IN Myself and WITH Myself.
The Only ONE. 
Not even as "I", But AS IS. 
The Being, The Living, The Shining Presence of ALL That IS. 

Come BE what you ARE. SatGuru (I AM) is Here without to Show you I 
AM Here within. 

Bliss is your Being, Peace is your Pleasure, Eternal Life is your 

Pranams Guru. Shanti Shanti OMMMMMMM.

Sat Chit Ananda,

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