Actually Barbara is broadly topical in ways by comparison with some things that 
get posted.

I particularly liked something she posted a while ago for the example it gives 
of the christian doctrinal mind. That x-ian critique of spirituality.

I did save that link here for the example:

Evangelical Christians and Meditators, 

Evangelizing FF:
Barbara Thomas

Oh, pray grant her a stay for a while more.  Hers have been of the hit-and-run 
kind of posts to FFL that nobody subsequently bites on.  However because no 
other x-ian fundies do it here, hers come across just as interesting curveballs 
not otherwise connected with anything when she does post.    She might though 
have more to say that is thoughtful to FFL.  Would be fun to learn more about 
her spiritual practice and experience on a place like FFL.

-Doug in FF

--- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stan...@...> 
> --- In, "Barbara Thomas" <barbara_thomas73@> 
> wrote:
> [snip]
> Ok, you've posted a sufficient amount of spam in the one year and one week 
> that you've been subscribed. Buh bye!

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