Beyond Gnosis (2)

Unlike convention will have it, that which I call gnosis IS NOT an
experience! Even though it is derived during a very specific experience
– The Transcendent Mystical Reunion with OUR SELF in the timeless
Ground of Being. The fact of this IS NOT up for debate and conjecture.
It is AXIOMATIC, IRREFUTABLE and UNARGUABLE. Ipso bloody well Facto.

So, for the rest of this day, sod incoming emails and addressing them, I
am going to do what I WANT to do. And they can do with it what they
will, and who cares. When I get serious then I get dogmatically dead
serious; and no messing about.

That which I call the Mystical Gnosis is not then an experience AT ALL.
It is NOT the experience of the Transcendent Ground of BEING and it is
not about the dark journey to it through purgation and annihilation
transition process.  It is not about any of this and it is not about the
sum of it all. The Mystical gnosis is simply ONE THING, it is that which
one KNOWS and is Conscious of WHILE THERE!   And that is NOT an
experience at all.  It IS what one IS THERE and what one KNOWS and fully
Understands there. THAT IS ALL.  Gnosis means nothing else but that.  In
my use of the word that is. Others do not use that word for this
perennial UNDERSTANDING. This gnosis is not about us out here, it is not
about the world, it is not about life on earth, and it most emphatically
does NOT reveal a purpose or meaning to life and existence. NO WAY !  NO
WAY !!!

But this is ALL OLD HAT.   That event happened fifty years ago.  Even
the BIG one THE MYSTICAL UNION WITH THE ALL, happened thirty years ago.
And that one is way beyond the mystical gnosis.  Metagnosis.   It is
that one which reveals what life on earth is all about, and the purpose
of it all and reason for Eternity even existing.  Eternity is fulfilled
and resolved in TIME ON EARTH.   It is paradise fulfilled on earth. From
Eternity for this purpose I AM.  I have come to fulfil Paradise on the
Earth. KNOW YOUR SELF !!! Unless you know your SELF then know nothing
worth knowing!

But even that one, The Consummatum Incarnate is even OLD HAT now. 
Thirty years in the past and all digested and all done and dusted and
put to bed. And one moves on from there, as I have been trying to do for
the last thirty years.  And you do that, as you do all of it, on your
own.  So, truth is, I have as much interest in gnosis, and the mystical
reunion, AND the mystical union with THE ALL ( Consummatum Incarnate) as
I do in watching paint dry.  It has all be eaten and used. Done and
dusted, and one moves on to the next stage of being in the world.  I AM,
the being who lords it over paradise IS USELESS  - if it cannot get out.
IT DOES GET OUT !  Find out for why you are here. DON'T think it up, for
thinking WILL NOT reveal it. AS for ALL your religions THEY ARE ALL

I am happy enough to talk abut all these things if somebody is
interested in them and SERIOUS about it.  Otherwise NOT. And I aint here
to learn about gnosis or the result of in when synthesised and united
with the outside world thank you very much; for that lot is all done;
many years ago.  And I am not the least bit interested in anybody's
beliefs, religions, or opinions.  What IS – IS.  And life and
existence IS NOT relative to the observer. It all applies to all of us.
Ipso bloody well Facto ! And neither is life and existence a delusion to
be got rid of. They are mere sad miserable monkeys with type writers.

Live well, keep positive, and be true to yourself and do no harm to
others. For your SELF is a divine wonder. From Eternity for this Purpose
YOU ARE.  And life on earth IS GOOD and it is the most profound and
amazing part of all of it. Ipso!  Have a nice day.

Dick Richardson

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