I watched O'Reilly's show this week and during one of his "talking 
points" segments he was talking about someone who had done something 
wrong -- I forget who, perhaps it was Paris Hilton and her DUI -- and 
he used the term "karma" to explain that whatever is befalling that 
person was his or her "karma".

What struck me as a result of this was how far the term had edged its 
way into everyday American lexicon, for if someone as, shall we say, 
right-wing as O'Reilly was using it then pretty much everyone would be.

Of course, "karma" is virtually the same as the Judeo-Christian concept 
of "as ye sow so shall ye reap" and as a strictly practical matter the 
former with two syllables is a much more succinct way of saying the 
latter, worth 6 syllables of energy.  And the English language doesn't 
have a one-word summary-word like "karma" that sums up the whole As Ye 
Sow concept, so it's perfectly natural that "karma" has become part of 
our language.

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