Books » Reviews
August 13, 2013
Updated: August 23, 2013 12:58 IST
Life is long gamma
by Vaishna Roy

Nassim Nicholas Taleb specialises in statistics and 

How to Live in a World We Don’t Understand: Nassim Nicholas 
Taleb; Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 11, 

Philosopher-author of The Black Swan asks us to embrace 
uncertainty as a survival tactic

I had just finished Taleb's latest book when Uttarakhand 
happened. And the phrase 'unprecedented tragedy' kept 
recurring like a bleak refrain. Nobody had been able to 
predict that the rainfall could be this heavy, the flooding 
this bad. Taro in Japan built a 34 ft sea wall the city 
called the Great Wall. It was swept away contemptuously by 
the 2011 tsunami.

This capriciousness -- whether of nature, humans, or 
man-made systems -- lies at the core of Taleb's book, as he 
passionately and provocatively argues for modern man to 
learn and use non-predictive decision making, which can be 
the only safeguard in a world where, and let me grasp at a 
cliché here, the only thing that's certain is uncertainty.

With the writer having made somewhat of a career in needling 
establishment gurus, the bankers, academics, economists and 
other suits, one might be tempted to dismiss the book as 
grandstanding from a favourite soapbox. But it's an 
eminently readable argument for a theory that can be 
intimidatingly rooted in complex math but is also at its 
basics just a product of old-fashioned nous. Take, for 
instance, Taleb's peeve with modern mollycoddling, which he 
says is producing a very fragile human being. Extreme 
hygiene, by destroying the body's natural hormetic 
reactions, becomes vulnerable. We counter it by ingesting 
probiotics, the good 'dirt' that we denied the body in the 
first place.

This is but one simple story. Taleb transposes it to 
politics, disaster management, urban planning, research, 
financial management and much more to propound his theory of 
antifragility. What he is saying is simple -- we don’t need 
more and more complex graphs and grids that attempt to 
'predict' what will come and thus build systems to face that 
supposed eventuality. The truth is we can never predict with 
any degree of accuracy a Black Swan event. It will always be 
sudden, random, huge, wildly destructive, and yes, totally 

Managing risks

Risk management pros look to the past, using the worst known 
war, recession or tsunami to build the next higher sea wall. 
They don't realise that the worst event always exceeded the 
worst one before it. What we really need are systems that 
can regenerate by using such unpredictable shocks to their 
advantage. Not systems that can survive the shock to some 
extent but those that can actively use the shock to become 
stronger. In other words, 'antifragile' systems. Much like 
what nature does -- breeding the next gen mosquito to fight 
repellents. Nature works because evolution is antifragile. 
The gene pool uses periodic shocks to become more fit. In 
the tsunami example, thus, it makes more sense to put money 
into training people in survival and rebuilding tactics than 
to build higher and higher walls.

Taleb calls it learning to live in a world we must admit we 
don't understand. He asks that we modify man-made systems so 
that they allow natural events to take their course, instead 
of smoothing out every little bump -- Prozac for the 
smallest attack of the blues, warnings on coffee cups that 
tell you it might be hot enough to scald, hormone therapy 
for menopause. While the smoothening is done with the best 
of intent, it's the classic soccer mom syndrome -- the quest 
for a perfect, crisis-free world. Guess what, it doesn't 
exist. Some discomfort makes us tough; removing every 
discomfort makes the species fragile.

That's where the heading of this piece comes from -- in 
trading jargon, when someone holds a 'long gamma' position, 
any movement in price is good news. In other words, long 
gamma means that which benefits from volatility or the 
non-linear. Excessive planning and smoothening are attempts 
to force something that's predominantly non-linear into an 
easy linear graph, a simplification that distorts 

Taleb thus argues that depriving political and economic 
systems of natural volatility (non-linearity) -- that is, 
making things artificially smooth -- harms them more by 
leaving them unprepared when the biggie strikes. Take the 
turkey example. A turkey fattened for 1000 days imagines 
that life and the butcher love it. The turkey, its friends 
and family have absolutely no reason for 1000 days to doubt 
this. On the 1001 day, the Black Swan strikes. The most 
dangerous mistake the turkey made was to believe that the 
absence of evidence of harm meant the absence of harm.

The writer argues that the 2007 financial crisis was caused 
to a large extent because Alan Greenspan and his ilk wanted 
to iron out the boom-bust cycle and allowed small risks to 
hide (and accumulate) under the carpet -- till finally they 
blew the economy up. Allowing small risks to swallow up 
companies periodically lets the economy weed out vulnerable 
players early on. It isolates the financially undisciplined 
companies from the rest of the economy, rather than finally 
transferring the burden of indiscipline from corporation to 

What's the solution? Taleb advocates the 'barbell' strategy 
-- reduce extreme downsides from black swans. The upsides or 
positive black swans will take care of themselves. His tail 
risk hedging strategy is just this -- telling investors how 
to be insured against extreme market movements. To simplify, 
a perfect barbell strategy for a flight would not be a crew 
that is uniformly cautiously optimistic. You actively want 
your pilots to be pessimistic like hell, while the flight 
attendants can be as cheery as they want.

Taleb's barbell for the economy would be to nationalise 
banks but let hedge funds go unregulated. When Fannie Mae's 
secret risk reports landed on Taleb's desk, it showed that 
the corporation's risk exposure consisted of some moves that 
brought small profits but opposite moves that brought 
massive losses. It was clearly a powder keg. And it blew up.

Formidably well read, Taleb segues from Seneca and Plato to 
Galbraith and Aquinas to Jewish and Islamic texts to make 
his point. Large corporations, big government, bankers, and 
politicians, they are all dismissed ruthlessly. As are copy 
editors, my own tribe. Taleb's warnings about the imminent 
collapse of the banking system in The Black Swan invited 
much derision. Unfortunately, he was proven right. With that 
kind of hindsight, one is tempted to be in his corner on 
this one. And even if you disagree with some of his extreme 
positions, it's such a darned good read you can’t put it 

How to Live in a World We Don't Understand: Nassim Nicholas 
Taleb; Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 11, Community Centre, 
Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110017. 

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