>From the Daily Telegraph (http://tinyurl.com/pbskk8):

"The Great Race, the story of a sprint race between a man and his one-
eyed cat Midge, could be the unlikely hit of the Cannes Film Festival 
2009 despite being made on a budget of just £1,000. (about $1500 ed.)
Parish councillor Martin Humphreys discovered that his rescue cat, 
Midge, shared his passion for running when she began joining him as he 
jogged through his village.

When his workplace offered a £1,000 competition for employees to fulfil 
a dream, he won after proposing a children's film about Midge's 
peculiar talent.
The result, The Great Race, has been selected for the Short Film Corner 
at Cannes and Mr Humphreys, who wrote, directed and penned the theme 
song for the eight-minute production, is flying out to the French 
Riviera to show it to Hollywood executives. It is believed to be the 
lowest budget offering at the festival – the opening night film, Pixar 
animation Up, cost $150 million to make.

He explained: "I got Midge from a rescue centre 12 years ago and we 
have been running together for about five years. It began when I went 
to the local shop and she would follow me. On one occasion I ran back 
and she accelerated and wouldn't let me beat her. That's when we 
started racing. People stare because cats aren't supposed to do this, 
but she races me every time."

Mr Humphreys begins the races with a whistle, which is Midge's cue to 
get set and go. He spent several weeks in training for the climactic 
sprint in The Great Race, which is billed as "the ultimate showdown" 
between cat and man.

The parish councillor from Wrose in Bradford, West Yorkshire, who works 
as a customer advisor for O2 and as a local historian, is hoping that 
studio bosses will spot Midge's star potential.

"My dream is for The Great Race to be picked up and turned into a full 
length feature film. Midge has acting talent. I can see her getting 
involved in car chases, getting kidnapped – it has the potential to be 
the greatest children's film ever."

Mr Humphreys would like to make a sequel in which Midge races Olympic 
100m champion and world's fastest man, Usain Bolt. He is convinced she 
would win."

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