About the confusion:

I am not enlightened, so it would be not in the best interest to try to clear 
things up, only I 
can comment on my own experiences, observations, and then to some degree what 
have to say.

It was not long ago, that is was My Guru only which I took to be enlightened. 
The whole 
appeal to me in the first place was the simplicity of how it was explained, 
transmission came through in reading it, it literaly was the start of the 
change of 
consciousness.  Something like ( because of my TM background) I thought the 
only way 
was with any Guru was secretiveness, confusing the disciples with answers that 
do not 
answer anything, like playing games with the disciples, - sort of like the 
Hollywood portrail 
of a Guru where you are not sure what they are trying to say- like they speek 
in such a 
complicated way, you cant understand them, then one thinks , wow, they must be 

What a surprise this has been. And for the small group of disciples, there is 
no confusion- 
and for the enlightened in the group- they are not coached - yet the common 
ground is 

This new disciple that is enlightened, one year ago, there was noithing in the 
way of 
spirituality in her life. I have seen the whole thing from begining to end. She 
had a 
spontaneous Kundalini awakening, came in with fear and panic, after some time , 
left in an 
outrage, with a very superficial understnading of what is- come back and took 
off like a 
rocket ship- all in one year

These 3 are not speaking about enlightenment, they are speaking from it- there 
is no 
confusion. The message I gave, independantly, all 3 recognize it from their 
existence- it 
can be tested, then it would be seen that while not in communication with each 
other, that 
same essence is known- so there is this common denominator from which the 
understandings are there- no confusion- this is only on the part of the ones 
perceiving it
There is not much that can be done about it, I can only say that it is simple 
and down to 
earth and there are 20 other fellow sadakas that are not confused by my comments

My inspiration to do this, labeled so far as a parot, and preacher, is based on 
a new 
awesome existence. So I would repeat what i said, then if this is not clear, 
you can try 
going to my Guru, or the other 2 enlightened and have an exchange.

Basically, what they have to say is there is no one to do something- it simply 
IS, then life 
flows. Consciousness knows what to do. there are no driving desires, is it a 
very natural 
state, no  super state, and the 3 of them speak of the great mystery to it, and 
the cosmic 

First thing Sarojini is doing is dealing with the laughter, which is on going.

Since there is no do er, then if siddhis occur, this happens, but it is not 
from doing it, there 
are no desires for such things, no desires to know others thoughts, to have 
powers, to 
perform powers, etc- silly for me to tell you what "they" say, best is take 
them as am 
example- all 3 coming from similar backgrounds as all of us, Enlightenment is 
now, it is not too late, you are not too old- what an opportunity- the door is 
open, will you 
walk through it?

Funny, I was thinking. If I said that it is the birthright of any human 
anywhere to have 
enlightenment, then it is not one is higher than another- for enlightenment is 
One, this 
would be quite accepted.

If I said that it is also possible that a Guru can be from any country, any 
sort of human and 
also not be on a level as Guru is one- noooooooo, it has to be a male Indian  
or else not 
possible. It is non sense - Hollywood imagination

New posts:

 Come find the Beauty life has to Offer
Be a Great Existence -

Dear Swami,

Namaste and Om Namo Narayan- 

My name is Anthony, 

0- Hello 

* I'm an Australian living and working as an English Teacher here in Taiwan.

0- OK - Nee How Ma. - what part of Taiwan are you in ? 

* I have been practising Yoga, mantra, pranayama etc for many years, and spent 
2 yrs (96 
- 98) 
in India, training in various disciplines. However, to date I seem unable to 
rouse the latent energies of kundalini. I realise that this may be the work of 
anyway, but wonder whether diksha will make a difference in getting the process 

0- Absolutely it will. 99.9 % of people being worked with here awaken Kundalini 
and they 
are all progressing quite well to Realization. One entered Realization within 5 
years (it 
could have been done earlier if there was not a sticking point) and another 
rocketed to
Realization in one year. Can say though that it is quite possible and also 
valuable to take 
Diksha and have Kundalini awakened in a balanced manner here. 

you can join my yahoo group and see the results and speak with those being 
with here as to their experiences etc. 


Thanks for your time,
Warm Regards,

Maha Shanti OM 

Namaste and Whew-hoo! Sweet Guru-ji,

0: one tip is to allow yourself to simply view what is taking place
as an unfolding movie. Rather than this is MY life - see it as if
watching someone elses interations. 

000: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Yes, in the end the passing show has 
no "me, mine, or my", but is rather a Beautiful Movie! Ha ha ha ha 
ha ha ha ha! Better than any Oscar winning film one will ever see.. 
This IS.

OM and Prem,

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