>From Karen Tumulty's Swampland blog on Time.com:

October 28, 2007 2:54 
Colbert v. Edwards: The Battle of the Favorite Sons

It's come to this. 

The State newspaper in South Carolina publishes the stats for the two 
candidates who claim favorite-son status, including this from Colbert:

"John Edwards left South Carolina when he was 1 year old. He had his 
chance. Saying his parents moved him — that's the easy answer."

To which Edwards' ever-vigilant spokesman Eric Schultz puts out this 
rapid-response piece:


"CLAIM: Edwards abandoned South Carolina when he was one year old.

"FACT: Edwards was born in South Carolina, learned to walk in South 
Carolina, learned to talk to in South Carolina, and will kick Stephen 
Colbert's New York City butt in South Carolina.

"Stephen Colbert claims to represent a new kind of politics, but 
today we see he's participating in the slash and burn politics that 
has no place in American discourse. The truthiness is, as the 
candidate of Doritos, Colbert's hands are stained by corporate 
corruption and nacho cheese. John Edwards has never taken a dime from 
salty food lobbyists and America deserves a President who isn't in 
the pocket of the snack food special interests."

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