Concise Summary of Mike Huckabee's Positions
Thom Hartmann Radio Show  

 The Southern Baptist Reverend Mike Huckabee speaks:

 Certainly good day for America when Roe v. Wade is repealed. (May 
 Embryonic stem cell research creates life to end a life. (May 2007)
 Pro-life and pro-death penalty, & sees them as far different. (Jan 
 Signed legislation outlawing same-sex marriage in Arkansas. (Dec 

 No civil unions; only one-man-one-woman marriage. (Nov 2002)
 Respect gay couples but no gay adoptions. (Jan 2007)
 Gay tolerance reflects lack of fixed societal standards. (Jun 2007)
 Wal-Mart is case study in genius of American marketplace. (Jan 2007)

 Death penalty is necessary part of criminal justice system. (Sep 
 Opposes "hate crimes" legislation. (Sep 2007)
 Does not believe in evolution. (May 2007)
 Ending school prayer was one step in society's moral decay. (Jun 

 Support displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools. (Nov 2002)
 Guaranteed medical care not government's responsibility. (Nov 2002)
 No additional AIDS spending; cancer & vascular victims first. (Nov 
 Ban smoking in all public places. (Nov 1992)

 Isolate carriers of this plague of AIDS. (Nov 1992)
 No "sexual orientation" in Employment Non-Discrimination Act. (Sep 
 George W. Bush has done a magnificent job. (Jan 2007)
 Stay in Iraq because we're winning; we lose if we walk away. (Dec 

In contrast, here is the "On The Issues" web page for Barack Obama:

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