Programme for Nine Days of Mother Divine,and Victory Day celebrations and 
web page 
Grand Navaratri Assembly
Programme for Nine Days of Mother Divine,
and Victory Day celebrations and broadcast, October 2012
16 October—24 October 2012 
Dear Governors, Sidhas and Meditators,
Wednesday, 24 October, is one of the most important days of the year in the 
Vedic Calendar. It is Victory Day or Invincibility Day – Vijaya Dashami – which 
Maharishi always celebrated in a glorious manner.
As is our tradition, it will be very good to have a grand celebration on 
Victory Day simultaneously in all countries throughout the world. 
Victory Day celebration
The Maharishi Vedic Pandits have given the auspicious time, the Muhurta, for 
starting these global celebrations. They will commence with Rashtriya Gita at 
10.30 am Holland time, and will be broadcast live globally on Maharishi Channel 
3. Global Puja to Guru Dev will be performed during the auspicious Muhurta, 
followed by Vedic recitation by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits at both the 
Brahmasthan of India and the Brahmasthan of Maharishi’s Peace Palace in MERU, 
After the recitations there will be a special address by Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace.
Connect at: (channel 3)

Local celebrations will be organized around the world
Where the times are convenient, the celebrations in your national and local 
Maharishi Invincibility Centres could join in with these global celebrations, 
including Puja. For the Western hemisphere the celebration will be rebroadcast 
at approximately 2.30 PM Holland time. In other time zones, please refer to the 
replay schedule on the Maharishi Channel.
Following the tradition that Maharishi established, it will be very good to 
have a ceremony at solar noon in every country (when the sun is highest in the 
sky) to raise the Flag of the Global Country of World Peace, the Flag of 
Invincibility, at significant locations, with blowing of conches, ringing of 
bells, traditional music, and refreshments for all. At the same time, we can 
register again our intention to establish the Maharishi Towers of Invincibility 
and our other great plans to secure Invincibility for the nation.
Please take photographs wherever the flag is raised (showing the flag, the 
group assembled, and the background location), and send your photos as soon as 
possible in full resolution, for presentation on the Maharishi Channel. Please 
send your photos to:
After the celebrations on Victory Day, it is good to travel out in all four 
directions a symbolic distance to spread the influence of Invincibility, as 
Maharishi always did. It will also be good to encourage everyone to join group 
programme on this day to promote personal and national Invincibility.
Navaratri broadcasts
During the Nine Days of Mother Divine, the special days of Navaratri, there 
will be daily live broadcasts on Maharishi Channel 3 of the Vedic recitations 
by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Maharishi's Peace Palace in Meru, starting 
with Rashtriya Gita at 12.00 noon Holland time on Tuesday 16 October, and 
approximately the same time daily until 23 October.
AtiRudrabhishek begins on 20 October
AtiRudrabhishek with 1331 Maharishi Vedic Pandits will commence for World Peace 
on Saturday 20 October—Rashtriya Gita for AtiRudrabhishek will begin at 10.40 
am Holland time. A separate announcement will go out about this extraordinary 
However it means that on 20 October the Navaratri recitations will be at a 
different time—to be announced.
Wishing you the most glorious celebration, and the joy of a great rise of 
Invincibility personally, nationally and globally.
Jai Guru Dev
Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
See the MERU course announcement HERE.
See the MERU Victory Day announcement HERE.   

web page 
© 2012 Global Country of World Peace
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