Dark energy may not exist in space, scientists claim Dark matter and
energy, the mysterious forces thought to make up 96 per cent of the
universe, may not exist according to a groundbreaking study.
By Heidi Blake <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/heidi-blake/>
Published: 7:30AM BST 15 Jun 2010
  [Dark energy may not exist in space, scientists claim]   The studies
into dark energy were made by physicists at Durham University Photo: PA
British scientists have claimed that the method used to calculate the
make-up of the universe may be wrong.

The universe as we know it – formed of recognisable components such
as planets, stars, asteroids and gas - accounts for just four per cent
of the cosmos, according to the decades old Standard Model
del-of-the-universe-explained.html> .
The rest is thought to be made up of mysterious dark matter and dark
plain-it.html> . This permeates space and powers the expansion of the
But physicists at Durham University now claim the calculations on which
the Standard Model is based could be fatally flawed.

This raises the possibility that the "dark side" of the cosmos
does not exist, which in turn could mean that the universe is expanding
less quickly than previously thought.

Dr Robert Massey of the Royal Astronomical Society, which published the
findings, said: "This would challenge greatly our assumptions about
the long term future of the universe, because the assumption at the
moment is that the universe is expanding and if it isn't that would
be a huge shock.

"It could even mean that the expansion of the universe is slowing
down and could grind to a halt."

A new analysis of measurements taken by NASA of Big Bang heat radiation
in 2001 showed that the heat waves may be far smaller than previously

When the measurements were first taken in 2001 the size of the ripples
in the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation led scientists to conclude
that the cosmos is made up of four percent "normal" matter, 22 percent
"dark" or invisible matter and 74 percent "dark" energy.

But scientists now claim that the waves of radiation which were
previously measured at about twice the size of the full moon may in fact
be less than half that size.

Professor Tom Shanks, who led the research, said: "CMB observations
are a powerful tool for cosmology and it is vital to check for
systematic effects. If our results prove correct then it will become
less likely that dark energy and exotic matter particles dominate the
universe. So the evidence that the universe has a dark side will

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