The fellow I studied with for a while, Rama - Frederick
Lenz -- had some curious theories and insights into things.
Some of them I consider Looney Tunes, and did even back
when I was studying with him. Others I thought might have
had more of a clue. A few I still think have a clue.

One of his "clueful ideas" for me was the notion that the 
universe is relational, not hierarchical.

And he riffed on this theory using a metaphor almost all
of us in the audience were familiar with -- computer data-
bases and how they work. 

Early database systems were hierarchical in nature. They
were based on the same "tree structure" organization you 
see in...uh...tree diagrams. So the theory was that if you
arrange data in a tree structure, you can find the data
you want by following the branches. Only trouble with this
theory in practice is that you can ONLY get to the data
you want by following all the various branches leading to
it. Want to compare two pieces of data? You've got to 
first find the first piece of data by traversing the tree,
then find the second piece of data by traversing the tree,
and then continue to traverse the tree looking for other
related pieces of data. Inefficient as hell.

Relational database threw away the tree. It also threw
away the notion of hierarchy. Data elements are related 
to each other only by the fact that they are related to
each other, not by their place in some imagined hierarchy.
As a result, in most cases relational databases are more
efficient, and run faster. 

Now think about descriptions of the universe you have 
heard about from most spiritual traditions. Pretty hier-
archical, aren't they? At the top (or at the base of the
tree) is God or the Absolute. Then there are certain
"levels" (branches) under that -- devas, avatars, gods,
demons, whatever. Then each of these branches have limbs,
and those limbs have smaller limbs, and way, way down on 
one of those limbs is you. 

You want to relate to the trunk (God, the Absolute, what-
ever). The only way you can do so within a hierarchical 
description of the universe is to "traverse the tree."
In a relational system you can have a 1-to-1 relation-
ship with *anything*, including the trunk, God, the
Absolute, or whatever you want to call it. You can also
have *multiple* relationships -- you can have a 1-to-many
relationship between one teacher and you as one of many
students, but you can also have a 1-to-1 relationship
with the teacher as equals, members of the same table
student relationship does not "trump" the equal-equal
relationship; both exist simultaneously. There is no
hierarchy implied or required. And there is no better
search path; you can access the teacher using the 
1-to-many relationship, or you can access him/her using
the 1-to-1 relationship, whichever is more efficient
for the query you are submitting.

I think that Rama might have had a minor clue with this
computer analogy. Most spiritual traditions seem to impose
a hierarchical template on the universe. This action is
good; that action is bad. Hierarchy. This dakini is neat,
but that deva is better because she's at a higher level.
Hierarchy. This seeker is better because he has more
access to the teacher than that seeker, and we know that
the teacher is better because he has more access to the
next level up on the hierarchy. 

I like the relational model. It feels more intuitively
correct to me than the hierarchical model. Nothing and
no one in the universe strikes me as inherently "higher"
or "better" than anything or anyone else.

That doesn't mean that it true, or an accurate model of
the universe; it is possible that there IS no accurate
model of the universe. I just prefer the relational 
model because it has more resonance for me than the
hierarchical model. 

If me believing this makes you feel that I'm "lower" 
than you are or that your understanding of the nature
of the universe is "higher" than mine, I'd say that
indicates that you feel more resonance with the
hierarchical model.  :-)

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