David Lynch press conferences in Moscow, Kiev inspire new wave of publicity for 
Transcendental Meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 April 2009

Renowned filmmaker David Lynch, whose foundation is raising funds to teach one 
million at-risk children the Transcendental Meditation Programme, recently gave 
press conferences in Moscow, Russia and Kiev, Ukraine, which attracted great 
publicity and support. 

The level of receptivity and excitement in Moscow and Kiev—for the David Lynch 
Foundation and the programmes of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—was almost 
unprecedented, reported Dr Robert Roth, National Director of Expansion for the 
Global Country of World Peace in the United States, on 21 April 2009. 

Immediately following his foundation's benefit concert, 'Change Begins Within', 
on 4 April 2009 in New York, David Lynch traveled to Moscow for an exhibition 
of his photography and paintings. 'Dr Lynch is extremely popular and respected 
in Eastern European countries,' commented Dr Roth, 'and his exhibitions were 
widely attended.' 

After the art exhibition, Dr Lynch and Dr Roth spent a week touring and giving 
press conferences in Moscow and Kiev. Displaying photos of the press 
conferences, Dr Roth commented on how crowded each of the rooms were with 
people eager to hear Dr Lynch's message. 'You can see the looks of wonder on 
all of the young people's faces,' he pointed out. While some young people and 
students asked about Dr Lynch's filmmaking, the majority of questions concerned 
his experience with Transcendental Meditation, as well as higher states of 
consciousness, the connection between TM and the creative process, and the 
goals of the David Lynch Foundation. 

In Kiev, David Lynch appeared on the front page of all major newspapers and on 
many popular television shows in the days following the press conferences. One 
TV show, reported Dr Roth, during which Dr Lynch answered questions on 
Transcendental Meditation, was viewed by 50 million people. Dr Lynch drew 
attention from many celebrities in Ukraine, including one of the country's most 
famous actresses, who interviewed him on a morning talk show. 

David Lynch also held a book signing in Ukraine for his book 'Catching the Big 
Fish', which has been translated into the Russian language. Dr Roth reported 
that all 300 books at the signing were sold very quickly. 

'The response we saw in Moscow and Kiev was another example of collective 
consciousness rising in the world, as a result of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits 
in India and the US, as well as the Invincible America Assembly of Yogic 
Flyers,' noted Dr Roth. 'In all the press conferences we attended in Eastern 
Europe,' he continued 'there were never any misguided questions or doubts 
concerning Transcendental Meditation or Maharishi's knowledge.' He went on to 
report that Global Country of World Peace leaders in Russia and Ukraine are 
planning for expansion of Consciousness-Based Education and Maharishi's other 
programmes in their countries, keeping the momentum strong from the recent wave 
of publicity. 

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