In order to be functioning from the 'Home of all the Laws of Nature',
(Brahm) the Kundalini energy MUST be awakened, there is no other way.
If you need a description of such an experience look in Revelation 1:1
thru 1:20 and it will give you a description of conscious
transcending, since you don't have one and haven't been given one!! 

My guess is that few or NONE of the current Purusha or Siddhas have
'awakened' the Kundalini, hence there is NO MMY effect, how could
there be?

What you are saying may sound good, but it's nothing but wishful
thinking at best and nonsense at worst. When are you all going to stop
beating around the bush and at least be honest and say, "It's
something we are trying to accomplish but haven't yet, or, the
potential is there and we hope achieve it in time....etc."

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