> Namaste all,
Namaste and Grace-filled Evening,
>* While reading through the posts a question popped up. In the 
> state how do you feel about your loved ones?

S There is no sense that the loved one is different than the self 
and within this purity, love and compassion flow freely..there is 
only flow..

* Do you feel as attached
> to them as before or do you now have a different love for them 
that is
> more detached? 

S It is a pure love that is not preoccupied with the other as there 
is no sense of otherness...

*I am trying to understand how now you are feeling one
> with the everyone and everything in the world, how you could chose 
> person over another to spend your life wit
Would you not love all
> people the same?

S The difference is that there is no-one that is loving or *me* 
that is loving *something* or *some-body*...pure love is inherent in 
the universe and flows like a river when the mind is still. It is 
love that needs no object as this love just IS - Love and Compassion 
are the fragrance of freedom. 

> *I am not even sure my question makes sense, but hopefully someone 
> get the gist of it.

S They do make sense, but the responses will not be understood with 
the intellect or from a *me* vantage point. The great paradox and 
mystery cannot be grasped by a *me* ha ah ahahahahhahaaha -

> Amy

Great Peace and IS,


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