They could have just thrown the first 5 episodes in to the garbage can.  
While Dollhouse was on I was watching the outstanding series finale of 
Battlestar Gallactica on my DVR.   I paused the DVR at a break which 
happened to be at 9 PM and saw just the very intro TV remote that they 
opened the show with.  Just write there it telegraphed that this was 
going to be a great episode which I did watch after finishing BSG.

The one thing that particularly struck me other than opening segments 
with mock TV street interviews about the existence of a Dollhouse was 
the editing.  Tight and nicely done.  Bad editing can destroy a work and 
good editing can save a poorly filmed one.  The subtext that was 
introduced last week was better woven into this episode. And this 
episode wasn't all about Eliza's character.  In fact in a way seemed to 
get back a little to the kind of character she can play well (give her 
some comic relief) that I saw in "Nobel Son" on DVD earlier in the 
week.   I'm not sure but that may have been Whedon himself doing a cameo 
(sporting long hair and beard) in the last TV interview.  Ronald Moore 
the creator of the new BSG appears at the newstand at the end of the BSG 

We can hope that this episode sets a series "bible" for future episodes 
to follow to keep them up to snuff.

Disclaimer: no personal pronouns were mistreated or harmed in any way 
during the making of this post.

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