For anyone who might be interested, I put this excerpt in the Personal column 
of our local paper for Good Friday. It seems to me that Traditionalism creates 
obstacles and obscures the more optimistic view from those who should receive 
 Extract from “WHAT DOES RESURRECTION MEAN FOR THE SOUL”, spoken by the spirit 
of the Scribe in the Bible (Mark 12:28-34) through the deep trance mediumship 
of Miss Winifred Moyes at the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Circle on 
Easter Sunday, April 13th 1941.
 "This is the time of resurrection; in the degree that you can sacrifice - then 
indeed it shall be Easter for you… 
 "You cannot sorrow for yourself when you have stemmed the sorrow of another. 
The great law of service works on faithfully for everyone. Those even in their 
deepest sufferings can link up with Jesus the Christ and face the fiercest test 
unafraid, knowing that they shall never see death, but glorious life and a love 
that shall close every wound in heart and mind and body.
 "There are those who criticise, but when their body is no more, the 
consciousness of opportunity utilised or of opportunity thrown away will come 
to them. But in that next stage, God, in His great mercy, will send to them the 
teachers and the leaders, and they will be seekers and will seek until they 
find - and they shall find, after the transition, their resurrection in very 
 "The workers are blessed and in the measure that they have striven so Divine 
protection is around them. The message to everyone is that if only they will 
take Christ at His word, if only they will trust Him, they shall find that what 
has been uttered by the Sacred One is true: 'He that believeth on Me shall 
never see death': but immortal life shall be opened to them for evermore.
 "At this Easter-tide pray that in very truth the Garden of Gethsemane and 
Calvary shall be forgotten and that you will look forward with hope, with an 
ever-growing faith; so that when the River of Life is crossed, you shall find 
marked upon you the sign of honour that shows that you were shepherds, and that 
the sheep hearkened to your voice."

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